The bedroom is a room where many activities take place; make your bed as comfortable as possible, with certain colors to help. Example of bedroom colors ideas.
So that your room is warm and cozy, beige is perfect. He gently envelops the chamber to create a classic and timeless degree of comfort. Refreshing in summer and cozy in winter, it will only help you feel good in this room.

If the term brings to mind turquoise blue sea, enter it in the room will inevitably remind the holidays. But as it is a reasonably bright in color, we recommend you use it sparingly. For example, choose linens, carpet and furniture in blue and install everything in shades of gray very sweet.

Purple is a trendy color that brings a feminine touch to the room without excluding men from the room. We chose a deep purple that will create a soft, enveloping atmosphere. Know that purple invites concentration, you will therefore be a certain amount of calm you to sleep peacefully.

In your room, the green is sure to bring you closer to nature. It will effectively reassure you reconnect to the earth. Avoid, however, the choice in colors too tonic that could disrupt sleep. So choose green accessories for bed linen, for example and marry them with natural tones in the rest of the room.

More soothing than the turquoise blue, a darker blue and deep will help your concentration while providing a chic and trendy decor. It may be used on all walls and accessories will opt for darker black or brown to bring out the color.

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